Sometimes, financial circumstances make it difficult for parents to meet the full cost of items such as uniform, subject fees or some excursion costs. Should this be the case, assistance is available:
Arrangeents can be made for a payment plan to be set up for parents who are finding it difficult to make one lump sum payment for their child’s elective fees or extra-curricular activities. Should you wish to discuss setting up a payment plan at any stage, please contact either, the Principal, Mrs Rebecca Cooper or the School Administration Manager, Ms Joe Green. All such arrangements will be in the strictest confidence.
Student Assistance Scheme
Student Assistance funds are available for the purpose of providing financial assistance to eligible families for school related expenses. The following items/activities are regarded as acceptable for the request of financial assistance: excursions/camps, sport, elective subject fees, textbooks and stationery needs, uniform and school shoes.
Should you wish to apply for Student Assistance, please contact the school office and arrange for an application form to be sent home for completion. Once completed, return the form to the Principal, who will notify you of the assistance that the school can give. All applications are treated confidentially.