Drama is offered as an elective in Year 10, and as a HSC course in Years 11-12. BWSC has a fully functioning theatre space equipped with projector, lighting and sound system.
Drama is an exploration of human experiences and situations brought to life through enactment. In Drama, students learn about themselves and others by creating characters drawn from a variety of situations, they then collaboratively or independently share their understanding and talent creatively with an audience.
In Drama, students can investigate, shape and symbolically represent ideas, feelings, attitudes, beliefs and their consequences. Students acquire skills in interpretation, communication, performance and critical analysis and become aware of the technical processes and technologies that may be used to heighten dramatic presentation through the study of this major art form. In the critical study of drama and theatre students can recognise the collaborative contribution of actors, directors, playwrights, designers and technicians to production. They also develop an understanding of the cultural traditions and social contexts of drama and theatre.
At BWSC students are offered meaningful co-curricular activities to support their learning in Drama. In Year 10 students are provided with the opportunity to experiment with various styles of mime, clowning and circus. They experientially and theoretically practise the skills involved in various circus acts and the purpose of comedy in performance.
In all years, Drama students participate in a variety of challenging theatre experiences and workshops to support their understanding of Drama practice and practitioners. Our Drama Program ensures that students are provided opportunities to attend major dramatic performances in a public theatres to develop their art and their passion for it.