Absence from the Campus
Attendance is essential for academic progress. Students are expected to attend the Campus every day that the Campus is in operation. Attendance at class is a requirement of the Department of Education for Year 10, completion of the Year 11 Preliminary HSC Course, and the HSC. Acceptable reasons for absences are:
- Sickness
- Family emergencies (seriously ill relatives, death in the Family)
All absences must be explained upon return to school after absence otherwise the absence will be recorded as unexplained. This could jeopardise the student’s position in a course as well as lead to the withdrawal of any Youth Allowance. Notes explaining your absence from the Campus must be given to your roll call teacher.
It is a condition of continuing enrolment that the Campus is kept up-to-date of a student’s current address and parent/caregivers’ contact phone numbers. If a student has a change of address, he/she must immediately inform the Front Office and complete a change of address form. Where there is a change of family information, a new ERN form will be needed.
Campus students are not permitted to consume or bring alcohol onto the Campus. The Department of Education has very strict rules that alcohol is not to be consumed on Campus premises or during Campus functions where students are present, even if students are of legal age. Students who do this will be suspended.
Anti Racism
Behaviour that discriminates against students or staff on the grounds of sex, sexuality or race is against the law and will not be tolerated at this Campus. Students and staff who see or experience discriminatory behaviour are urged to report it to the Anti Racism Officer, Mr Chris Wright who can be located in the HSIE staffroom upstairs in J Block. People found practising discriminatory behaviour will be counselled and may have sanctions placed on them. Parents and caregivers will be notified in writing and offenders may be suspended from the Campus. See also the section on Violence and serious threats of violence.
Assemblies are held at random times at school, they are a mix of Year Assemblies and Whole School Assemblies. Formal Assemblies are also held at various times during the year.
Formal Assemblies will be conducted each term.
Whole School Assemblies will be organised and conducted by the Captains and the SRC under the guidance of the Deputy Principal.
Year Assemblies are held in conjunction with Roll Call on a weekly basis in the Hall – Year 10 Monday, Year 11 Tuesday and Year 12 Wednesday
All assessment tasks must be completed. We expect that all students will be working towards achieving all outcomes in the courses studied. Assessment tasks are utilised to award students Grades in Year 10 and Year 11 and contribute to the HSC. Failure to complete these will have a detrimental effect on your final results. All students will be issued with an Assessment Booklet which explains the Campus assessment policy and the assessment schedule for each of the courses offered.
The roll is marked at the beginning of every lesson by the class teacher. The record of attendance at each period becomes part of the official roll for the day. Students are expected to know the times for the beginning of every period and make it their business to be prompt so that lessons can begin without any further interruptions. All students are expected to attend all timetabled lessons. The official roll marking period is held in Roll Call and will record absences from class as well as whole day absences from the Campus. Frequent absences from class can jeopardise your place in a course and lead to an “N” Award. Poor attendance, even through genuine reasons, may mean unsatisfactory completion of a course under Board of Studies requirements.
Students who arrive after 8.35am are late and must report to the Front Office to sign in. They will be issued with a late note that is to be given to their classroom teacher. Students who arrive late must have a note from their parents/caregiver explaining why they are late. Students will be given a detention if they arrive late with no written explanation. Students who are regularly late will be interviewed regarding their progress. Some students are given the privilege of having flexible attendance. These students are issued with a special flexible attendance card. They must still sign in at the front office EVERY morning before they go to class and sign out at the front office before they leave the school.
Attendance figures, including absences, unexplained absences and truancy are reported upon in both the Mid Course and end of year Reports.