Brisbane Water Secondary College - Woy Woy Campus

Respect - Commitment - Relationships

Telephone02 4341 1600


Students must attend school every day unless they are:

·         Too sick to leave the house

·         Suffering from an infectious disease eg. chicken pox, mumps, measles

·         Honouring a religious commitment

Dental and medical appointments should be made out of school time.

Bell Times- 8.30am- 2.45pm

Roll Marking

Roll marking occurs at the start of every day at 8.30am. Rolls are also marked by classroom teachers, electronically in every lesson. Absentee lists will be generated from students NOT in roll call.

Student Absences

Notes need to be brought to school on the day a student returns from an absence and given to the roll call teacher. Please ensure students do not write their own notes.

Absence notes must include: student’s name, year, roll class, and reason for absence.

Long Term Absence

If a student is going to be absent from school for a period of 3 days or more, leave must be applied for and approved by the Principal. Should this situation arise, please contact the school for further information.

Early Leavers  

Students needing to leave school before the end of the school day need to bring notes to the Front Office before roll call or during Lunch.

Late to School

Students arriving after roll call (8.30am) must report to the Front Office to have their name recorded before going to class. They will be issued with a late note to hand to their teacher. Students without a courtesy note from a parent will attract a lunch detention for lateness to school.