Brisbane Water Secondary College - Woy Woy Campus

Respect - Commitment - Relationships

Telephone02 4341 1600

COURSE        GEOGRAPHY                                              


ATAR Status:  Yes              

Category: A - 2 Units        

HSC Exam: Yes


The Preliminary course investigates biophysical and human geography and develops students' knowledge and understanding about the spatial and ecological dimensions of geography. The biophysical geography component looks at the interactions between the four spheres and the environment around them. The human geography component addresses population changes and two cases studies; development geography and cultural integration.

The HSC course enables students to appreciate geographical perspectives about the contemporary world. There are specific studies about biophysical and human processes, interactions and trends. Fieldwork and a variety of case studies combine with an assessment of the geographers' contribution to understanding our environment and demonstrates the relevance of geographical study. Employment options are available in the following areas: tourism, journalism, agriculture, national parks, urban planning and GIS development.

Fieldwork is a mandatory component of the Stage 6 syllabus for this course.