My role as Careers Advisor is to guide our students in their development of a post-school career plan. This is achieved through a process of individual meetings with students and / or parents, excursions, incursions and Year 10 Careers classes.
Lessons covered in Careers classes include - SMART goal setting, portfolio construction, using careers research tools, university / tafe / trade research, senior subject selection, investigation of job search engines, jobs of the future, work experience, tax, superannuation, the impact of social media on careers and preparation for Year 11.
Students are welcome to visit me in the Library and parents are equally welcome to phone. Alternatively, there is an appointment booking system on our website link below to discuss future options.
We aim to broaden student's knowledge of the many career pathways available to them through a carefully constructed program of in school and out of school activities and opportunities such as:
- White Card (WHS) Courses
- First Aid Courses
- Career's Expos
- Defence Force seminars
- TAFE taster courses
- Pre Apprentieship courses
- Central Coast Group Training (CCGT) seminars
- University school based seminars
- University excursions
- Industry immersion days
- Private college excursions (eg. ,JMC, AIE these vary from year to year)
- Trade aptitute practise tests
- Volunteering (just as valued as paid work in the eyes of employers) .
- Year 10 Careers classes
Like our schools' Facebook page for up and coming career investigative opportunities, excursion images and job opportunities. There is also our Monthly Careers Newsletter which is emailed to all parents and is located on our website below.
Kind regards,
Mr Michael Strappazzon